Personalized Plan of Study
- You must be logged into your email.
- Find and select the time slot of your choice
- Verify both your first and last name, then save your entry.
- You will automatically receive a confirmation email with the option to meet in person and/or a Zoom (a link will be provided should you prefer a virtual meeting).
Honors College students are required to meet with our counselors at least once per year to maintain good standing in the HC.f you have any questions or need assistance, please email [email protected] or call our front desk at 248-370-4450
Career Counseling Specialist
Christina Byrd is the Career Counseling Specialist for The Honors College. Christina assists with resume writing, interview preparation, decision making, and career exploration. Additionally, Christina can assist students with various Pre-Professional and Pre-Health questions.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with Christina please contact her at [email protected]
Coaching Specialist
The Honors College has on staff a Coaching Specialist", Elizabeth Chlebek. She can provide individual assistance with time management, study and organizational skills, resource awareness and general student support. Elizabeth also provides guidance on college student wellness and well-being for your total student success plan.
For more information or to make an appointment, contact Elizabeth at [email protected]
How many semesters of a language do I need?
This depends on the totality of your language background. We are looking for a two year proficiency in one language OR a 1one year proficiency in two languages.
You may test out of some classes by way of the Placement Exam. It is very rare a student in the HC would need four semesters of a language.
We will help you figure out your options and what will work best for you related to your goals and the structure of your major.
All students must have at least one semester to satisfy the university general education requirement "Language & Culture."
It could be the case you may only need one class to satisfy both the university requirement and the Honors College requirement based on your placement exam results.
Can I take different language courses?
Yes. There are options such as taking one year each of two different languages or you can “test out” of one year of a language via Placement Exam, and take one year of a different language (1140 and 1150 level).
How do I take a Placement Exam?
- Go to Student Resources - Placement Exams
- Students are the only one who gets the test results. Submit scores to [email protected] or submit to any HC Counselor.
Transfer Students
Transfer students should have discussed their previous language background with an HC Counselor. As always, The Honors College will work with students individually to come up with the best plan for the situation at hand. Please schedule an counseling appointment for further assistance.
What if I want to learn Sign Language?
- American Sign Language may also be used to satisfy the language proficiency through COM 2501.
- American Sign Language now also meets the university general education category of Language & Culture.
- You could take one year of sign language and one year of a modern language (or placement out of) COM 1500, 1501, 2500, 2501.
Could I take my language course over the summer at a different school?
You can take transferable language courses at a community college or a four year institution to satisfy part or all of your HC language requirement. Meet with an HC Counselor prior to registering to ensure appropriate courses are being taken.
Does Study Abroad fulfill the requirement?
Studying abroad, for at least 6 weeks, satisfies one year.
The study abroad trip should align with the language studied. For example a study abroad trip to Spain for 6 weeks would be appropriate for a student that has completed Spanish 1140 and 1150.
-October 15th for Winter semester travel
-March 15th for Summer semester travel
-April 15th for Fall semester travel
The Honors College offers Study Abroad Scholarships
Involvement Requirements
Honors College students must complete an average of ten hours of involvement per year (forty hours prior to graduation). Anything outside of course related work can be used towards involvement hours. Hours may be accumulated during the fall, winter and/or summer semesters.
Students are required to keep a spreadsheet of their "involvement" during their college experience. When applying to graduate, students will submit their spreadsheet to the Assistant Dean of The Honors College.
Involvement Categories
- Honors College*
- Attending Honors College events and/or volunteering to help The Honors College in any capacity.
- Oakland University
- Attending Oakland University events, participation in a student organization or volunteering for any OU activity.
- Humanitarian**
- Any act of humanitarianism (service hours) may be counted toward involvement.
- Professional
- Working (paid and/or unpaid) hours may be counted towards involvement.
- Working (paid and/or unpaid) hours may be counted towards involvement.
* Graduating seniors who have considerable amount of "involvement" hours (unpaid) assisting The Honors College during their undergraduate experience will be considered for an exclusive "Contribution Award" at time of graduation.
** Humanitarian service qualifies students to apply for and be recognized for one of our yearly Humanitarian Awards. Graduating Seniors, with significant Humanitarian service over their time in The Honors College, will be considered for our exclusive "Cumulative Humanitarian Award" presented at graduation.
The Medical School Admission Requirements (MSAR) is an online database of comprehensive medical school profiles which includes all MD-granting, LCME-accredited medical schools in the U.S. and Canada. It is the only resource that includes date directly from the MCAT exam, AMCAS application, as well as information and data provided directly by medical school admissions offices. Medical School Admission Requirements (MSAR)
Honors College Students who have a junior or senior class standing, a minimum grade point average of 3.7 and who can submit a spreadsheet with a minimum of 40 hours dedicated to humanitarian efforts can earn a two year paid subscription by The Honors College.
If you have the minimum requirements and want to be considered for a paid subscription, please schedule an appointment with an Honors College Counselor.
Thesis Vs. Capstone Requirements
All Oakland University Students are required to complete a "capstone" in their major prior to graduation (regardless if you are in The Honors College). HC students have the ability to utilize their "capstone" toward their Honors College Thesis therefore, time and effort are not duplicated.
- Engineering and Computer Science students may take their HC3900 course the same semester as their Senior Project/Design (the semester before graduation is suggested).
- Nursing students are advised to meet with an HC Counselor for the timing of taking HC3900. There are several factors to consider and we will determine the best plan for you.
- Students whose major is housed within the College of Arts and Sciences are exempt from their "Exploratory" requirements once they have completed HC3900 (junior year). Please inform your CAS Advisor when mapping out your graduation plan.
Honors College students must produce an Honors Thesis prior to graduation. Most often, this activity is carried out in the student's major area of study (e.g. biology, business, communications, economics, engineering, english, music/theatre/dance). However, HC students are given freedoms to create their own thesis projects as long as Faculty Mentor approval is obtained.
Most HC students will be required to take HC3900 in their junior year. This course can double as an OU elective credit. It's designed to help students develop a proposal for their thesis. A Competitive Thesis Grant may be applied for at this stage to help fund your research/project. Please schedule an appointment with a HC Counselor to map this elective credit into your graduation plan of study. Current HC3900 students who have questions regarding the thesis or Faculty Mentor process, please contact Dr. Susan Lynne Beckwith, [email protected]
Please visit our "Student Resources" page for a sampling of the many Faculty Mentors who continually assist Honors College Students in the proposal of, research of and writings of their thesis.
Students who make a significant contribution to a field of study, will have a chance to earn a Thesis with Distinction Award (certificate) or Thesis with Distinction in a Field of Study Award (certificate + HC Thesis Sash worn at graduation). Please note that thesis must be submitted prior to the deadline in order to be considered for any award.
Sample Thesis Timeline
First Year: Begin thinking about areas of interest you may want to consider for your thesis. Talk to HC Counselors and Faculty in your major to get ideas.
Second Year & Transfer Students: Participate in the HC Imagination Lab where we assist you to explore your interests and develop ideas for your project. The imagination Lab workshop will also cover your counseling requirement for that academic year.
Third Year: Most HC students will be required to take HC3900 which can double as an OU elective credit. This course is designed to help you develop your proposal for your project. Thesis grants may be applied for at this stage to help fund your project.
- Engineering and Computer Science students may take their HC3900 course the same semester as their Senior Project/Design (the semester before graduation is suggested).
- Nursing students are advised to meet with an HC Counselor for the timing of taking HC3900 since several factors must be considered to best benefit the student.
Graduation Year: Thesis turn in, thesis presentation and senior audit.
The Honors College
509 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 370-4450
Fax: (248) 370-4479
[email protected]